
something missing in my life,and i'm so fucking tired to not know what it is,
everyday i'm wonder,but can't find a answer,everything feel's wrong and
i can't consentrate on the life. not when somethings missing. i can't be happy
when it missing something. nobody anderstand, nobody don't care,they just say that they
know,but why does thay don't treat me like a real friend then? it's something wrong whit me.
i have find one answer and that is that i not suitable here..

Postat av: sanna älskar sin izabella !

gumman vad har hänt !?

du vet att jag alltid finns här om du vill prata & jag ska försöka hjälpa dej så mkt jjag bara kan för vill aldrig att du ska må dåligt !

älskar dej så grymt <333

2009-08-17 @ 23:09:01

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